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Nick Demetriades (Incumbent)
LinkedIn Nick Demetriades

Nick Demetriades is running for re-election to the Town of Cromwell, Planning and Zoning Commission and would appreciate your vote on November 7, 2023.


Nick’s accomplishments include:

  • Current member of the P&Z Commission 

  • 15 plus years of experience on the Town of Cromwell Planning and Zoning Commission

  • 3 years of experience on the Town of Cromwell Zoning Board of Appeals (2004-2006).

  • Former Chairman of the Town of Cromwell Planning and Zoning Commission 

  • Member of the Zoning Regulations Update Sub-Committee: Published November 2011

  • Member of the Plan of Conservation and Development Committee: Published September 2007

  • Represent Cromwell on the CT Lower River Valley Council of Governments, whose responsibility and focus include regional transportation, land use, shared municipal services, conservation of land, and other regional initiatives.

  • Actively involved in updating the new Plan of Conservation and Development and updating Zoning regulations


Nick and his family have lived in Cromwell since 1996 and currently lives at 7 Bonnie Briar with his wife Linda and daughter Cassandra. He is the proud father of James Demetriades who is currently serving on the Cromwell Town Council and is the Democrat-endorsed candidate running for Mayor.


As an information technology and systems integration professional with over 40 years of experience, including senior management positions, Nick will continue to apply that same diligence and professionalism to my work on the P&Z Commission. If re-elected:

  • Nick would focus on developing a Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD), which “will serve as our roadmap for sustaining continued growth, prosperity, and most importantly providing an invaluable vision for our community to Live Well, Grow Well, Play Well, Cromwell.”

  • Work to achieve a positive balance between commerce, residential, and recreational activities within our town and region.

  • Work towards digitizing and expanding access to the POCD and Zoning Regulations, including “Point & Click” introductory narrations to be part of the town’s online documents available on the town website.  

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Alice Kelly (Incumbent)

Alice has been a resident of Cromwell since 1965.  Along with serving as Chair of the Planning & Zoning Commission since 2014, she's had a myriad of roles in Cromwell.  Alice is currently the Democratic Registrar of Voters since 2016 and Chair of the Cromwell Water Pollution Control Authority (appointed in 2001).  In the past, she has served as Chair on Charter Revision Commissions.  She has also been a member of multiple school committees, including as Co-Chair in the 1970s when the town built the new high school and the old one was converted in the middle school.

Alice's time on the Planning & Zoning Commission started as an alternate, but became a regular member in 2009.  They are a nine-member commission that meets twice a month with the responsibility of envisioning and ensuring Cromwell’s continued to grow for both residents and the business community. Over the years, Cromwell has gone from a mainly rural agricultural environment into a more diverse community that welcomes a balance of residential, business, conservation-minded, and open space protection perspective with our historical heritage in mind.  Alice notes that it is and has been a privilege to be actively serving citizens on the various elected and appointed boards and commissions of Cromwell. 

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Jacey Long

Jacey has served as chairwoman of the LGBT Advisory board. She grew up in town and can't imagining ever leaving. Jacey works in the labor movement, and hopes to use that experience to make Cromwell a better town for working people.

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Paid for and approved by the Cromwell Democratic Town Committee, Brendan Kruh, Treasurer.

© 2023 by Cromwell Democratic Town Committee.

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